We have a brand-new shiny website. As part of this modernisation and new website, we have also updated our membership database and functionality. Most excitingly for you, you will now be able to update your own records and manage your own membership, once you are setup with an online account.
To get you started with your online account, we ask that you go to https://www.albinism.org.uk/membership. You will then be prompted to select a membership package.
If you already pay via standing order or a previous pay-pal yearly payment, or are not sure if you are paying, please select “Membership payment already set-up”. You will then be prompted to sign up for an account. Our volunteers will then be notified and convert your plans to the correct membership, once we have matched your payment.
If you are not yet currently paying a membership fee, please select from one of the appropriate options for you / your family. You will then be prompted to sign-up for an account, before going on to set-up a payment.
We tried our best to make this process as simple for you as possible, but if you do encounter any problems of issues, please do email Karina@albinism.org.uk